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Lloyd Anderson (L.A.) Thanks KTP...i designed the intro to do just that ! evoke a Sinatra type atmosphere...then slip into the deeper meanings...
...would be to your benefit to download -
the 'full versions''ll not be disappointed i feel *

... & they will hopefully reach a place in need of healing .

13 years ago
keepinthepeace Like this one too. When you sing "You'll know where to find me" it is reminiscent of the old standards in the U.S. by Frank Sinatra and Tony Bennett. That is a compliment by the way. Other than that the song surely stands on it's own and has its own unique flavor. You have a good voice. KTP
13 years ago
Lloyd Anderson (L.A.) Hi & thanks for your comments...a song only 'truly' comes alive when it reaches someones heart *

L A *

13 years ago
aud Just love this.....fills the heart x aud x
13 years ago
YvonneJ I simply Love this song..........great lyrics..smooth delivery
"Music is food for the heart and soul"

13 years ago
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