The Mearns Distilled Tuesday September 1 2009, 2:00 AM
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The Mearns Distilled

Fit like,

Michael Marra has written the forward to Andy Hall and Francis Boag's new book " The Mearns Distilled" - A painter and photographer's inspiration.

The Mearns in Kincardineshire has indeed provided inpiration for Francis Boag, the painter and Andy Hall, the photographer. There are some wonderful images contained in the book including a photograph of a newly ploughed field covered in mist. Michael lyric's for "Happed In Mist" completes the picture. The Mearns
Distilled is also dedicated to James Leslie Mitchell (Lewis Grassic Gibbon). A beautifully designed booked with images, words and lyrics all inpired by The Mearns.


The book is available to buy online
at -

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