COMPOSER OF THE YEAR Thursday November 6 2008, 1:00 AM
Blair Douglas
Friends of Musical1

BLAIR DOUGLAS has been nominated for Composer of the Year in the MG Alba Scots Trad Music Awards 2008. The awards will be presented on Saturday 6th December, at the Old Fruitmarket, Glasgow.

The Skye based musician and composer is internationally acclaimed, with musical compositions such as Kate Martin's Waltz and Solus m'Aigh that have resonated across the globe and across the genres. Blair Douglas released his fifth studio album, Stay Strong in June 2008. Blair is still, in many ways, Gaelic culture’s best kept secret.
Voting Timetable :- 3rd November - 21st November
To vote online for Blair please CLICK HERE

Otherwise, you can download the voting form as a pdf or Word file from or call 0131 441 3135 if you need a form sent to you.

SMBrooks I am trying to contact Blair and can find no contact info for him.
Please help.
Simon Brooks

10 years ago