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John Rae composer, musician and band leader.
Since finishing the Creative New Zealand/Jack C. Richards Composer-in-Residence at the New Zealand School of Music in July 2010, continues to live and work in Wellington, New Zealand.
Leader and composer for 'The Troubles' (www.thetroubles.co.nz)
Living the dream bro, living the dream....
For more information or photographs e-mail; contact@johnrae.biz
Against the odds New Zealand Jazz is rapidly becoming identifiable as a separate and interesting entity. Perhaps a subset of the Australasian-Pacific Jazz sound. On the best Kiwi albums and in the clubs I hear this certain something and I want to confront the musical establishment and say, “Are you freakin deaf…can’t you hear this”? This thing is ours, it can be wonderful and it is certainly worthy of proper attention. New Zealand music is very diverse and this is a healthy thing. Original and exciting bands are continually being formed, but in order for this vibrancy and originality to flourish the music must be better supported. John Rae has created here an album that exemplifies this diversity and it says something unique about us and our place in a sometimes troubled world .
Support the band, buy the album but above all relax and enjoy it. I defy anyone to dislike this roller-coaster ride through the worlds troubled spots. It is a journey undertaken with deep humanity but also with a liberal helping of humour throughout. A warm echo derived from the cacophony about us and filtered through an anarchic but sharply focussed Kiwi lens.