All Artwork on the new CD by Claire Brennan. Used by courtesy of Tob records
Michael Marra's new CD "Houseroom" with The Hazey Janes is now available online at the An Tobar Shop . Grouchos Record Store in Dundee also has the CD for sale.
"The new release from legendary Dundee singer and songwriter Michael Marra performing with the backing band of his dreams – The Hazey Janes. Michael also produced the album..
The Hazey Janes include Michael’s daughter Alice and son Matthew with Andrew Mitchell and Liam Brennan. The family element makes this record, and the shows to promote it, a particularly special occasion. Houseroom was recorded in An Tobar, The Tobermory Arts Centre by Gordon Maclean and the 6 song ep will be released on March 19th on Tob Records."