Saturday December 6 2008, 1:00 AM
Saint Andrew has three gigs coming up. The first is at the Out of the Woods Acoustic Music Club , Broughty Ferry on Sunday 07 December with support from Rod Paterson and Frank Smith .(this gig is now SOLD OUT !!! ) The second is on the 09 December at 08:00 pm at The Leith Folk Club, The Village, Edinburgh - This gig has now SOLD OUT!!!! But nae worries a extra gig has been arranged for the next night, the 10th. S aint Andrew will be performing with his band The Rare Wee Helps ( Michael Marra and Kevin Murray) So get yourself along there and witness the phenomenon that is Saint Andrew. It'll Be Rare T' Hear 'Em Lehv again. Saint Andrew has also just been booked to appear at next year's Celtic Connections.