Read Full Biography
after 2 kormas numerous breakdowns and multiple failed relationships lc_le_wee is a single forty two year old writer of worded stories and musical stories that esoterically map the journeys in his lifetime. he has been here there and everywhere and has returned home each and every time empty handed. this elliptic occurance has happened more times than he and those that greet his return care to remember. he is (in his dream) exhausted and enlightened in equal measure on a daily bases to such ungratifying degrees that his comprehensions of the inequalities of life, although fleeting, are earth shattering. he is happy when he thinks of the word dirge and sad when he thinks of love, love is never far from his reach. neither the day or the night make much of a difference to him he functions quite well in either. it is said that he fashioned himself a dreamers dream the other week as he noticed (by chance) that he didn't have one. his dreamers dream thought out his dream and it thought it should be this; to live as a drifter on a boat around the coastlines of scotland and france moving inland onto the canals over the winter months to escape the tempestuous winds, although, after realising what his dream had said he didn't know if he would actually like it. he says he can't ever remember being sick at sea but it is always a possibility.
ps. his songs need no reason
lc o' ta