National Theatre of Scotland presents - Long Gone Lonesome - A Musical Celebration of the Life of Thomas Fraser -
Who would have thought that this could ever happen? But it is and it should be celebrated! Get along to one of the shows if you can.
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Long Gone Lonesome Written by Duncan McLean
Directed by Vicky Featherstone
Featuring the Lone Star Swing band

Long Gone Lonesome tells the story of Thomas Fraser. The Shetlander with two lives. By day fisherman, father and islandman, by night world class innovator in American country and roots music.
Thomas was dedicated to his art, mastering the styles of his heroes - like pioneering country singer Jimmie Rodgers, America's Blue Yodeller - and making their songs his own.
Using all his hard earned money from the sea, he bought the first Grundig reel to reel, creating ground-breaking self made multi-tracked recordings, which he gave to close friends as gifts. His modesty stopped them travelling any further.
Thomas died in 1978, at the age of 50, following an accident at sea. His immense shyness meant only a handful of people had ever seen him perform. His tapes were more or less forgotten for a quarter of a century until his grandson realised their importance and started the slow process of restoring them and transferring them to CD. The first modest release ignited a blaze of interest in Thomas and his music.
Three more CDs have followed as well as a festival in his honour, plaudits from critics and scholars around the world, a documentary - and now this musical telling of his story.
‘I've written a script that aims to tell Thomas's story, and to convey the essence of the music he loved and performed with so much passion. Produced by the National Theatre of Scotland and directed by the Company’s own Artistic Director Vicky Featherstone - it's not a play as such. Instead, the show will be a mix of storytelling, music and what you might call dramatic jam sessions with games, improvisations, tall tales, exaggerations, musical explorations and heartfelt personal confessions disguised as jaunty novelty numbers.’ Duncan McLean, July 2009